Citizen Experience and Engagement Strategy

According to the Government Business Council, only 5% of citizens use government mobile applications and approximately 60% of citizens choose to use the call center versus utilizing government websites.  Today’s governments need to match the rising expectations of its Citizen such as

  • Online Payments & Forms. Citizens prefer transactions online for all public services such as tax payments, fines and violation payments, permits and licensing fees, parking, and other miscellaneous fees.
  • Enabled Mobile Capabilities. Citizens are mobile and prefer to engage in real-time with personalization.  Governments need to leverage mobile technology for geolocation services to communicate with Citizens
  • Real-time Notifications. Citizens want to know about community and public events in real-time to stay aware and informed.
  • Connectivity. Citizens expect a digital government that includes access to high speed internet and connected devices – Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Single View of the Citizen. Citizens prefer to be known across all government agencies without managing multiple user accounts and passwords per agency application.

Digital government must be driven by an understanding of processes, needs, and desires of its Citizens.  The MAJOR causes for a poor Citizen Experience are

  • Leadership Gaps. Many government agencies have failed to designate a Citizen Experience (Cx) Officer to establish a Cx strategy, performance metrics and manage Cx improvement initiatives.
  • Neglect of Citizen-centric Design. Governments should engage citizens on services and software application design to solicit feedback.
  • Misaligned Priorities. Government prioritizes perfecting technology over quality of the Cx.

KLS&A supports government leaders design a Citizen-centric strategy to improve their interactions and engagements to improve the Citizen Experience.  Our services include

  • Citizen Feedback Survey Analysis
  • Citizen Focus Group Facilitation
  • Citizen Town Hall Facilitation
  • Citizen Experience and Engagement Strategic Planning
  • Citizen Auditing and Assessments through Personas and Journey Map Development
  • Citizen Communication Strategy

For more information about our Citizen Experience and Engagement Services, please contact us at [email protected].

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